
Documentation Instructions

This documentation has been created using the sphinx documentation generator. For creating the documentation for this project, sphinx must be installed on your computer. This can be done with:

pip install sphinx             # for Windows
apt-get install python-sphinx  # for Linux

You will also have to install recommonmark which can be done with:

pip install recommonmark       # for Windows
apt-get install recommonmark   # for Linux

Lastly, sphinx_rtd_theme , the theme used here, should be installed.

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

To compile and view your documentation, navigate to RoboticsProject/docs and open a terminal there. On your terminal, type in

make clean html

This should compile your .rst documentation files to html in the docs/_build/html folder. To view what the webpage will look like, navigate to the docs/_build/html folder and open index.html in your browser.


If your make clean html command did not terminate successfully, you will not be able to find the docs/_build/html folder as it is generated by that command.


When you rebuild the html files with make clean html, all you need to do is refresh your webbrowser to see the latest updated changes.